Micro Enterprise Development Programme

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Micro Enterprise Development Programme

Raised Funds

Only group formation and management trainings are not sufficient, if we really want to see the rural women SHGs active, productive and economically sound. We need to develop their entrepreneurship qualities and to give them practical training on the specific activities of their choice. SNEHPAD, in collaboration with NABARD, every year organises Micro Enterprise Development Programmes (MEDP) for selected matured SHGs. In the MEDPs the trainee groups are given training on Managerial, Financial and Practical Issues related with SHG development. During the year 2013-14, SNEHPAD organised 5 numbers of MEDPs in the following places under NABARD sponsorship.

Micro Skill-preneurship Development Programme (MSDP)

This is an Accenture-EDII sponsored programme of 1 month duration with a follow up of 12 months. The aim of this programme is to select potential entrepreneurs and to train them on specific activity and lead them to set up Micro Enterprises. This year SNEHPAD organized 3 number of MSDPs on the following activities. Total 146 number of potential entrepreneurs were trained under this initiative and encouragingly all of them were women

Some of the Micro Enterprise Development Programme for Matured SHGs are :-

Sl NoPlaceNo. of ParticipantsDurationFocused Activity
1.Chipahikhola, Jorhat3013 DaysDesigner Jewellery Making
2.Meleng, Jorhat3013 DaysSot Toy Making
3.Lujonia Gaon3013 DaysJute Mat & Carpet Weaving
4.Napomuwa Gaon3013 DaysNatural Fibre Diversification
5.Borkhongia Goan3013 DaysFabric Painting & Tie & Dye
6.Bekajan, Titabor, Jorhat, Assam5013 DaysArtistic Weaving