Short Term SHG and JLG Management Training Programme

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Short Term SHG and JLG Management Training Programme

Raised Funds

The power of united effort is bigger than that of individual. To achieve the goal of integrated and rapid rural development, the poor must be united to work together. Therefore, SNEHPAD, since its inception, has been working to encourage group activity among rural people so that they can be supported together for their socio-economic growth. SNEHPAD, during the year made the following efforts for encouraging and empowering group activities

SNEHPAD, during the year 2013-14, organised many programmes on SHG and JLG Management considering the fact that the groups must have trained properly to achieve their goal of economic self-sufficiency. In the trainings special focus were given on Group Management Issues, Accounting and Book Keeping, so that they can equip themselves can manage their groups in a proper way. All the following programmes were organised on the subject in collaboration with NABARD

Some of the Short Term SHG and JLG Management Training Programme are :-


Sl NoName of the ProgrammeVenueDurationTarget GroupNo of Trainees
1.Training on SHG ManagementChirotia Gaon, Jorhat2 DaysWomen, SHGs30
2.Training on SHG ManagementMeleng Balichapori Gaon, Jorhat1 DayWomen, SHGs33
3.Training on SHG ManagementChenijan, Jorhat1 Day 36
4.Training on SHG ManagementUday Nagar, Jorhat1 Day 65
5.Training on JLG ManagementBor Ahom Gaon, Jorhat1 DayJLGs, Youths33
6.Workshop on SHGs for PRIs50 No Dakhin Charaibahi GP, Jorhat1 DayPRI Members, SHGs60