Lujonia Village

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Lujonia Village

Raised Funds

SNEHPAD continued its Village Development Plan in 4 numbers of villages in Jorhat District namely, Borkhongia, Lujonia, Deka Gaon and Napomuwa Gaon under NABARD support. The objective of this programme is to provide all need based supports to all the categories of villagers for development in an integrated way with convergence of line departments. The main target groups in this programme are farmers, unemployed youths, women and SHGs.


Some of the activities in Lujonia village are :-

Sl No.Title of ProgrammeCollaborating AgencyDate/ DurationTarget GroupNo. of Participants
1.Awareness on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act-2005 (NRLM)SIRD, Village Panchayat1 DayGP Members/ Job Card Holder/ Common Villagers57
2.Skill Development Training on Fabric PaintingNABARD3 DaysSHG Members/ Women27
3.Micro Enterprise Development Programme on Mat WeavingNABARD13 DaysSHG Members30
4.Exposure VisitNABARD1 DayVDC Members/ Farmers/ SHGS40
5.Workshop on RUPAY KCCNABARD1 DayPanchayat Members, Farmers35
6.Workshop on preparation of Organic Pesticide from GUMUTRANABARD1 dayFarmers/SHGs25
7.Trainers Training on Azola Cultivation & Management of Agro WasteNABARD1 DayFarmers/ SHGs/ Entrepreneurs/ VDC Members32
8.KCCAGVB Farmers6
9.Awareness on Environment Protection AfforestationSNEHPAD Villager/ GP Members/ Youths55